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Alison Hoy, Nutritionist

Alison at reception deskAs Midcoast Chiropractic and Wellness’s nutritionist, Alison is passionate about helping patients make informed choices regarding their diet and nutrition.

Her decision to become a nutritionist was sparked by her love for food and its chemistry and a deep fascination for how the human body functions. This inspired her to pursue a profession where she could not only indulge in her passion for food but also help others understand its profound impact on their overall wellbeing.

For Alison, the most fulfilling aspect of being a nutritionist is witnessing the positive impact her guidance has on her patients’ lives. When patients report symptomatic relief, whether it’s reduced pain, decreased bloating, or successful weight loss, it signifies that they are addressing the root causes of their health concerns.

Alison holds a Bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Medicine from Endeavour College, a renowned institution known for its focus on holistic health. Her formal education has equipped her with a deep understanding of the relationship between nutrition and human physiology. She actively attends seminars and webinars to ensure she can provide the most current and evidence-based nutritional guidance.

Outside of work, Alison loves cooking, exploring new places with her family and friends, and being by the ocean. She also enjoys participating in team sports such as soccer and touch football.



Alison Hoy | 02 6594 6510