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What to Expect As a Functional Nutrition Patient

mother-daughter-cooking-sqWhether you’re seeking to shed those excess pounds, add more energy to your day, or manage a health challenge such as a digestive disorder, consider functional nutrition at Midcoast Chiropractic and Wellness. More than just a diet plan, functional nutrition is a holistic approach to wellness that uses food as a therapeutic tool. Our nutritionist, Alison Hoy, tailors each plan to the unique needs of patients.

Addressing a Broad Array of Health Challenges

Functional nutrition can benefit people across all age groups and health conditions. It’s particularly beneficial for those struggling with weight loss, metabolic issues, digestive disorders, or anyone seeking preventative healthcare. From managing insulin resistance and pre-diabetes to mitigating symptoms of IBS, functional nutrition may help you achieve better health.

Discover Functional Nutrition’s Many Benefits

The scope of functional nutrition is incredibly broad, offering many benefits beyond weight management. By fine-tuning your macro and micronutrient intake, identifying nutritional gaps, and introducing healthier dietary options, functional nutrition strives to restore balance in your body. Benefits may include improved sleep, enhanced energy levels, and reduced symptoms of chronic conditions such as diabetes and digestive disorders.

How to Prepare for Your Consultation

Prior to your consultation with Alison, you’ll receive an email containing a consultation form and diet diary template. We encourage you to fill these out accurately and honestly, documenting your typical dietary habits over five days. This helps her understand your nutritional patterns comprehensively, enabling her to provide a more precise assessment.

What to Expect

Our functional nutrition consultations are conducted via Zoom for your convenience. During this session, Alison will review the documentation you’ve submitted, discussing your health goals, dietary habits, and any specific health concerns you might have. This conversation lays the foundation for your personalised nutrition advice, complete with recommended recipes and supplements.

Alison recommends a minimum of two follow-up visits, which are also conducted via Zoom.

Take That First Step Towards Maximum Health

Discover how functional nutrition could help you elevate your wellbeing and feel great! Call Midcoast Chiropractic and Wellness today to schedule an appointment!


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